Mathilda Bryngelsson biography

Mezzo-soprano Mathilda Bryngelsson was born and raised in Gothenburg, Sweden. Growing up, she played the flute, but in her early 20s, she turned her efforts toward singing opera. 


Mathilda received her bachelor's degree in Opera Performance from the University College of Opera in Stockholm in 2019. The same year she appeared as Medoro in a new adaptation of Handel's Orlando with Stockholm Royal Opera at Confidencen in Stockholm.


Between 2020 and 2022, Mathilda was a young artist at Malmö Opera Academy: a combined master’s program/opera studio at Malmö Academy of Music and Malmö Opera.  In the season 21/22, she could be seen as La Suora Zelatrice (Suor Angelica) on Malmö Opera’s main stage, while also performing multiple roles in Malmö Opera’s tour productions Det går an and Det stora oväsendet. In December 2021 she also visited Kammeroper Schloss Rheinsberg to sing the role of Mutter (Hänsel und Gretel).


During 23/24 Mathilda debuted the roles of Dido (Dido & Aeneas) at Opera på Österbybruk, Una Converse (Suor Angelica) at Copenhagen Opera Festival, and Fekluša (Káťa Kabanová) at Bergen National Opera. She also covered the role of the Reindeer (Flurry Tales) at Malmö Opera.


Some of Mathilda’s other performed roles include Cherubino and Marcellina (Le nozze di Figaro), Mercedes (Carmen), La Frugola (Il tabarro), La Ciesca (Gianni Schicchi) and Konchakovna (Prince Igor).  


Next season (24/25), Mathilda will be returning to Malmö Opera in the role of Herodias’ Page (Salome), but before that, she can be seen as Clotilde in Opera på Skäret’s 2024 production of Norma.


Apart from the operatic repertoire, Mathilda has an extensive experience as an oratorio soloist, having performed a majority of the standard repertoire, throughout the south of Sweden.


Mathilda has been the recipient of many notable scholarships and awards. A selection of these includes The Swedish Royal Academy of Music’s national scholarships every year between 2019-2022, the first prize in the competition OVIS-Rösten 2021, a Working Grant from the Swedish Arts Grants Committee 2023, the highly prestigious Giresta Scholarship from Anders Wall’s Foundation 2022, and the 3rd prize in the Willhelm Stenhammar International Singing Competition 2024. 

Select scholarships and prizes

3rd Prize "Östgöta Prize" - Willhelm Stenhammar International Music Competition, 2024

Working Grant - the Swedish Arts Grants Committee (Konstnärsnämnden), 2023

Giresta Scholarship - Anders Wall's Foundation, 2022 

National Scholarship - The Royal Swedish Academy of Music (Kungliga Musikaliska Akademien), 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022

Ebba och Birgit Janssons fond, 2022

Winner of OVIS-rösten, 2021

Föreningen för Tidig Musiks stipendium, 2021

Kyrktornets stiftelse, 2021

Anders Sandrews Stiftelse, 2021

"Till Anna Wedholms Minne" from Sundsvallskretsen och Örnsköldsvikskretsen av Fredrika-Bremer-Förbundet, 2020, 2023

Stiftelsen Civilingeniören Max Albin Dahlgrens stipendiefond, 2020

Anders Walls Stiftelse - Scholarship for participating in Confidencen Opera & Music Festival Academy, 2020

Prize winner – Internationaler Gesangswettbewerb, Kammeroper Schloss Rheinsberg, Berlin, Germany, 2020

Music Scholarship – Frimuraresällskapet i Göteborg, 2019

Tobisons Stiftelse, 2019

Local Scholarship – The Royal Swedish Academy of Music (Kungliga Musikaliska Akademien), 2018

Stiftelsen den 25e juli 1988, 2018
Stiftelsen Petersenska Hemmet 2018, 2020, 2021
Herbert & Karin Jacobssons Stiftelse
Stiftelsen August Ringnér Stipendiefond

Stiftelsen Kempe-Carlgrenska Fonden
Therese Kamphs Stifendiefond
Ranghild Frykbergs Stiftelse
Carl Erik Levins Stiftelse
Makarna Lindeqvist Donationer
Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse
Kjellberska Flickskolans Donationer
Willinska Stiftelsen
Anna Withlocks Minnesfond
Elizabeth Luxton Memorial Scholarship