Mathilda Bryngelsson is a lyric mezzo-soprano from
Gothenburg, Sweden. She is currently based in Malmö and is active as an opera- and oratorio singer across Scandinavia.
She graduated from the University College of Opera in Stockholm
in 2019 and finished her young artist program/master program Malmö Opera Academy in 2022.
12 December 2024:
In 2025, Mathilda will perform the role of Suzuki in two performances of Madama Butterfly at Pfalztheater Kaiserslautern.
20 March 2024:
Mathilda will perform the role of Clotilde at
Opera på Skärets production of Norma 2024.
16 June 2024:
Mathilda has been awarded the third prize in the Willhelm Stenhammar International Music Competition 2024, Sweden's biggest competition for opera singers.
8 April 2024:
From June 7-13, Mathilda will participate as a competitor in The Wilhelm Stenhammar International Music Competition in Norrköping, SE.
“Mathilda Bryngelsson har en klangskön och uttrycksfull mezzosopran. De två till sin karaktär olika ariorna ur Werther respektive Titus framfördes med en både utmärkt teknik och med en konstnärligt övertygande gestaltning.”
"Mathilda Bryngelsson is a beautifully sounding and expressive mezzo-soprano. The two different arias from Werther and Titus were performed with both excellent technique and an artistically convincing performance."
-Jury motivation for 1st place in the singing competition OVIS-Rösten 2021
”Mathilda Bryngelsson gav prov på en fyllig, välmodulerad röst”.
"Mathilda Bryngelsson showed a full, well-modulated voice."
-Uppsala Nya Tidning, March 2019
”Mathilda Bryngelsson i titelrollen har en mjuk och varm mezzosopran”. (Dido & Aeneas, Opera på Österbybruk 2023)
"Mathilda Bryngelsson in the title role has a gentle and warm voice."
- Tidskriften Opera, September 2023
“The sensational Swedish mezzo discovery of the session, MATHILDA BRYNGELSSON, whose voice reminds me of the young Kerstin Meyer, performs Konchakovna. Since ANGELA MEADE's Master Class, I've been having recurrent dreams about Mathilda channeling vocal intensity into Charlotte, Ratmir, Vanya, Lyubasha, Komponist, Orfeo ...”
-Lew's Opera Views and Experiences In Tempo, June 2018
„Die Schwedin Mathilda Bryngelsson lässt als überforderte Mutter ihren Mezzosopran durchaus schon mal die Luft schneiden“ (Hänsel & Gretel, Schloss Rheinsberg, 2021)
"As the overwhelmed Mother, the Swedish Mathilda Bryngelsson lets her mezzo-soprano absolutely cut through the air."
-Märkische Allgemeine, December 2021